
J:A:M Jung Art Music Creative Installation Part One

"We all have a child within, and forming a relationship with that child is the only way to achieve wholeness". beingMOO 

inviting connection with the self:




Beginning with letting go of what is, with the spirit and nature of MOO through the Jungian lens.

Our work begins with Part One, Meeting the Parents and the Child:

Movement I – 'The Revisiting'

Revisiting what hurts. Bringing development, clarity and Being and release from justifying or defending our existence.

Movement II – 'Struggle'

Unknown Chinese Poet “We poets struggle with non-being to force it to yield Being. We knock upon silence for answering music.”  We often struggle with emptiness and silence, and human nature being as it is, forces it to mean. Inviting the meaningless to become meaningful.

Movement III – 'Edge'

We cannot form the pearl within us without anger and aggravation; the irritant we often deny is very real and brings engagement and not a withering. Polarity exists between the subjective: the person, and the objective: the world waiting to be. With the non-being of the creator, the creatives struggle, waiting to surface to give clear meaning. 

Movement IV – 'Overseer'

We must also guard against the interruption of creativity. Finding something within the individual, which is projected onto the music, the art we encounter. Early experiences play a significant role in our understanding of the world and affect our vision of it.

Movement V – 'Opportunity & Sacrifice'

Opportunity exists to reproduce the world around us through our human vision. Image brings about grounding and form to bring about the building blocks of reality. The dynamic tension between the subjective and objective brings insight and personal knowing. We are more than knowledge and understanding. 

Movement VI – 'Coming Together'

The parent and child come together.  Behind the scenes, togetherness persists.  Imagery and music have genuine power to move others; simple symbols and encounters occur on a basic level. Along with relaxation, creativity is induced, giving insights.

Movement VII – 'Completion'

Inclusivity - the child never went away.  To connect with the child within, the infant, the vulnerable aspects, unconscious longings, brings about a reality, a progressive side of symbol and myth: an integrative state, a structure in our relation to nature and our existence. 

An invitation to journey with MOO welcomes the exploration of creativity by engaging with your inner depth. 


Movements I to VII and mining at a deeper level explore the depths with the containment structure. 'MINING with MOO' live musical and creative installation: dates and venues will be confirmed.

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MINING and letting go of what is. MOO provides a gritty electric live creative installation, working with symbols, art, alongside musical performance, with vocal and spoken word elements to invite increased awareness, healing and transformation. beingMOO J:A:M (Jung Art Music) charts a journey into the depths. Our offering, Mining with Moo, supports and encourages you to acknowledge and nurture your child within, meeting the internal parents, the internal couple and the shadow. Moving from a defensive life to leading an engaged life, potentially experiencing life beyond the lens of survival. " J:A:M . To explore 'the Self' at a deeper level, beingMOO, a living organism, mines with J:A:M, a creative installation that offers the study of visual, audio and thought elements, with feeling as the guide. An active experience, not getting stuck, acknowledging fluid movement, and not being fixed. Our education, experienced through Jung Art Music, supports you in taking control of your life and moving beyond victimhood, when victimhood is apparent, bringing containment. You are your own family. Recognition of the concept brings inner resourcefulness, seeking the right kind of help, and healthy collaboration. It is an opportunity to encounter new parts of the self and have the courage and opportunity to create more profoundly to live an enhanced life. By connecting analytically and empirically with the spirit of enquiry and curiosity, the essence of safe relating surfaces. Setting boundaries through self-discovery, self-reflection, and gaining insight from within brings about a Meeting in the Middle. We work with symbols to bring deeper knowing and meaning into your everyday life and being present in the moment to help you develop clarity and focus. A one-hour musical event made up of four parts. MOO provides a gritty electric live show working with J:A:M's symbols, sights and sounds to create a musical performance with singing and spoken word elements. Part one - The Internal Parents and the Child. Part two - The Internal Couple. Part three - The Shadow. Part four - self-reflection with four questions on a card to shed light on what is not seen. It is an offering to engage with heightened awareness and spark inspiration in you to bring into your everyday life. New dates are to be confirmed.
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